Clue themed Summer at Ordinary 2023

CLUE! The game and that gem of a movie from 1985. All stars cast. We love it so much we have dedicated an entire summer and some fall to it! We are referencing the movie as well as the board game as Ordinary’s summer theme. Drinks, Snacks, and Intrigue are the game now at the darkest bar in New Haven.
Matt Fantastic of Elm City Games will be introducing Ordinary’s very first murder mystery game for all of you. Prizes! You’ll hafta stop in to play though. Monthly challenges! Prizes!
Our great friends from The Fashionistas Vintage & Variety, are making a presence with their keen eye for what’s cool with their model installation pieces.
When you get here, you’ll be amazed by actual chalk art by Jaime La Jones above the bar. This epic creation will be available to view throughout this summer event.
Please join our party for some Mystery! ... maybe a little murder.